Being the only classical ballet company in Hungary - what an enormous responsibility! We live up to it by building a strong ensemble and inviting star choreographers to help us maintain a rich repertoire. We offer our audiences a wide range of revived classics along with the most shining jewels of the modern ballet oeuvre, striving for world class quality in all our productions.
Gergő Ármin Balázsi male principal, Étoile of the 2022/2023 season
Maria Beck Principal
Tatyjana Melnyik female principal, Étoile of the 2019/2020 and the 2023/2024 seasons
Aliya Tanykpayeva female principal, Étoile of the 2013/2014 and the 2017/2018 seasons
Dmitry Timofeev principal, Étoile of the 2018/2019 season
Maria Yakovleva female principal
First soloist
Male First Soloist
Máté Bakó Male principal, inactive
András Rónai male first soloist
Louis Scrivener male first soloist, Étoile of the 2024/2025 season
First Character Soloist (male)
Miklós Dávid Kerényi first character soloist (male)
Female Soloists
Jessica Carulla Leon female soloist
Lili Felméry female soloist, Étoile of the 2015/2016 season, inactive
Claudia García Carriera female soloist
Soobin Lee female soloist
Adrienn Pap female soloist
Ellina Pohodnih female soloist
Miyu Takamori female soloist, Chamber Artist of the Hungarian National Ballet (2022/2023)
Male Soloists
Iurii Kekalo male soloist
Mikalai Radziush male soloist
Grand sujets
Grand sujets female
Diana Kosyreva grand sujet
Elena Sharipova grand sujet
Yuki Wakabayashi grand sujet
Grand sujets male
Gaetano Cottonaro grand sujet
Motomi Kiyota grand sujet, Chamber Artist of the Hungarian National Ballet (2024/2025)
Taran Dumitru grand sujet
Carlos Taravillo Mahillo grand sujet
Boris Zhurilov grand sujet
Grands sujets character
Alekszandr Komarov guest grand sujet (character), guest artist
Female Semi-soloists
Nutsa Chekurashvili female semi-soloist
Olga Chernakova female semi-soloist, ballet master, inactive
Lea Földi female semi-soloist, Chamber Artist of the Hungarian National Ballet (2018/2019)
Zsófia Gyarmati female semi-soloist, ballet master
Artemisz Pisla female semi-soloist, inactive
Yuliya Radziush female semi-soloist, pilates instructor
Olha Skrypchenko female semi-soloist
Enikő Somorjai female semi-soloist, inactive
Nadezhda Sorokina female semi-soloist
Kristina Starostina female semi-soloist
Erina Yoshie female semi-soloist
Male Semi-soloists
Yago Guerra semi-soloist
Viachaslau Hnedchyk male semi-soloist
Vlagyiszlav Melnyik male semi-soloist
Boris Myasnikov male semi-soloist
Takaaki Okajima male semi-soloist
Valerio Palumbo male semi-soloist
András Szegő male semi-soloist
Corps de Ballet
Quadrille 2.
Aleksandra Abrashina corps de ballet
Yuiko Adachi corps de ballet
Remedios Agustín Castaño corps de ballet, inactive
Eugine Ahn corps de ballet
Matilde Noemi Barbaglia corps de ballet
Raffaello Barbieri corps de ballet
Timofiy Bykovets corps de ballet
Mattheus Bäckström corps de ballet
Nika Kristina Crnić corps de ballet
Ashlee Crowe corps de ballet
Vivien Csokán corps de ballet
Cecilia Dosio corps de ballet
Rita Hangya corps de ballet
Adrienn Horányi corps de ballet
Kateryna Horiaieva corps de ballet
Judit Horváth-Varga corps de ballet, inactive
Bakytgul Ispanova corps de ballet
Florence Joffre corps de ballett
Lilia Kaliko corps de ballet
Ágnes Anna Kelemen-Grébel corps de ballet
Barbara Kerényi corps de ballet
Kóbor Demeter corps de ballet
Erika Kolotova corps de ballet
Anastasiia Konstantinova corps de ballet
Maxim Kovtun corps de ballet
Anna Krupp corps de ballet
Léo Lecarpentier corps de ballet
Jingxuan Li corps de ballet
Nathaniel Lillington corps de ballet
Antonio Manganiello corps de ballet
Auguste Marmus corps de ballet
Luca Massara corps de ballet
Christian Mathot corps de ballet
Dávid Molnár corps de ballet
Josué Moreno Lagarda corps de ballet
Kristóf Morvai corps de ballet
Ganna Muromtseva corps de ballet
Adema Omarova corps de ballet
Alberto Ortega de Pablos corps de ballet
Stefanida Ovcharenko corps de ballet
Natsuna Oya corps de ballet
Anita Tiffany Pesel corps de ballet
Cecília Porkoláb corps de ballet, Chamber Artist of the Hungarian National Ballet Institute (2022/2023)
Lilla Purszki corps de ballet, inactive
Rachel Quintao corps de ballet
Ágnes Riedl corps de ballet
Viktória Barbara Rohonczi corps de ballet, inactive
Lisa Roselli corps de ballet
Francesco Sardella corps de ballet
Aglaja Sawatzki corps de ballet
Alexander Smith corps de ballet
Théa Solomon corps de ballet
Dóra Szelényi corps de ballet
Ludmilla Taran corps de ballet
Katerina Tarasova corps de ballet, character dance
Vince Topolánszky corps de ballet
Riku Yamamoto corps de ballet
Dmitry Zhukov corps de ballet
Daniyar Zhumatayev corps de ballet
Quadrille 1.
Csilla Arany corps de ballet
Edit Darab-Fehér corps de ballet
Janka Dobra corps de ballet
Rubina Ellenrieder corps de ballet
Anna Fülöp corps de ballet
Dmitrij Taraszovics Kirejko corps de ballet, ballet master
István Kohári corps de ballet, balletmaster
Xénia Kulikova corps de ballet
Kamill Kökény-Hámori corps de ballet
Eszter Lovisek corps de ballet
Zsuzsanna Papp corps de ballet
Eszter Pőcze corps de ballet, inactive
Réka Sári corps de ballet, inactive
Adrienn Szekeres corps de ballet, ballet master
Roland Vékes corps de ballet
Ricardo Vila M. corps de ballet
Étoile of the 2012/2013 and 2014/2015 seasons
Zoltán Oláh male first soloist, Étoile of the 2012/2013 and 2014/2015 seasons, inactive
Étoile of the 2013/2014 and the 2017/2018 seasons
Aliya Tanykpayeva female principal, Étoile of the 2013/2014 and the 2017/2018 seasons
Étoile of the 2015/2016 season
Lili Felméry female soloist, Étoile of the 2015/2016 season, inactive
Étoile of the 2016/2017 season
Gergely Leblanc ballet master
Étoile of the 2018/2019 season
Dmitry Timofeev principal, Étoile of the 2018/2019 season
Étoile of the 2019/2020 and the 2023/2024 season
Tatyjana Melnyik female principal, Étoile of the 2019/2020 and the 2023/2024 seasons
Étoile of the 2022/2023 season
Gergő Ármin Balázsi male principal, Étoile of the 2022/2023 season
Étoile of the 2022/2023 season
Louis Scrivener male first soloist, Étoile of the 2024/2025 season
Chamber Artists of the Hungarian National Ballet
Lea Földi female semi-soloist, Chamber Artist of the Hungarian National Ballet (2018/2019)
Balázs Majoros grand sujet, Chamber Artist of the Hungarian National Ballet (2019/2020)
Miyu Takamori female soloist, Chamber Artist of the Hungarian National Ballet (2022/2023)
Louis Scrivener male first soloist, Étoile of the 2024/2025 season
Ballet Choreographers
Frederick Ashton Sir choreographer
George Balanchine Choreographer
Dóra Barta choreographer
Gai Behar Co-Creator
Olga Chernakova female semi-soloist, ballet master, inactive
John Cranko choreographer
Wayne Eagling choreographer
Alexander Ekman ballet master, choreographer
Sharon Eyal Creator
William Forsythe Choreographer, Set and lighting designer
Gábor Horváth choreographer
Jiří Kylián choreographer, set- and lighting designer
Dmitrij Taraszovics Kirejko corps de ballet, ballet master
Katalin Kőszegi ballet master, assistant, ballet dancer
Dénes Kovács Dancer, Tap and folk dance instructor
Árpád Könczei choreographer, composer
Leonid Lavrovsky Choreographer
Jenő Lőcsei Choreographer, Eternal Member
András Lukács Choreographer
Sir Kenneth MacMillan choreographer
Wayne McGregor choreographer
Michael Messerer ballet master, choreographer
Gábor Mihályi Choreographer
Albert Mirzoyan ballet master
Kornélia Mráz ballet master
András Nádasdy Choreographer
Tímea Papp Choreographer
Paul Lightfoot Choreographer
Marius Petipa choreographer
Dace Radina ballet master, artistic director (Hungarian National Ballet Institute)
Adrienn Rafai-Vetési Modern dance instructor, choreographer
Karina Sarkissova choreographer
László Seregi choreographer, ballet director Eternal Member, Master Artist
Sol León Choreographer
Tamás Solymosi ballet dancer, ballet director, ballet master, choreographer
Katerina Tarasova corps de ballet, character dance
Thierry Malandain Choreographer
Lajos Péter Túri Choreographer
Vasily Vainonen Choreographer
Bertalan Vári Choreographer
László Velekei ballet master, choreographer
Marianna Venekei ballet teacher, company répétiteur, choreographer
Péter Bárány animation designer
Erik Berglund lighting designer
Imelda Jeremias Bianca costume designer
Joost Biegelaar lighting designer
Steen Bjarke lighting designer
Joop Caboort set and costume designer
Balázs Csontos lighting designer
Balázs Csontos lighting designer
Donna Raphael costume supervisor
Gábor Forray head set designer, Eternal Member
Nicholas Georgiadis set and costume designer
Jan Hofstra lighting designer
Zoltán Katonka lighting designer
Lóránt Kézdy set designer
Károly Lendvai lighting designer
Peter Lundin lighting designer
Maren Fischer costume designer
Tivadar Márk head costume designer, Eternal Member
Róbert Menczel set designer
Thomas Mika set and costume designer
Ready By Wednesday projected scenery
Nóra Rományi costume designer
István Rózsa set designer
Ruud Lutgens assistant set and costume designer
Judit Schäffer costume designer
Beáta Vavrinecz set designer
Rita Velich costume designer
Joke Visser costume designer
Dalma Závodszky costume designer
Ballet Masters
Ballet Masters
Cristina Balaban first ballet master
Stanislav Beliaevskii ballet master
Anastasia Dunets ballet master
James Forbat ballet master
István Kohári corps de ballet, balletmaster
Gergely Leblanc ballet master
Albert Mirzoyan ballet master
György Szirb ballet master
Nataliia Yakushkina ballet master
Guest Ballet Masters
Mária Aradi ballet master
Ildikó Pongor ballet dancer, ballet teacher, company répétiteur, Eternal Member, Master Artist
Marianna Venekei ballet teacher, company répétiteur, choreographer
Ballet Répétiteurs
Yevhenii Fomin repetiteur
Éva Hajnal ballet repetiteur
Elena Kovаčević repetiteur
György Lázár head repetiteur
Gyula Nyári ballet repetiteur
Nataliya Pinelis ballet repetiteur
Ballet Masseurs
István Bolesza Ballet Masseur
Milán Debreczeni Ballet Masseur
Bertalan Gesztelyi Nagy Ballet Masseur
Bence Szabó Ballet Masseur
Ballet Rehabilitation Coach
Éva Csere Physiotherapist (Dévény Method)
Audio and Video Technicians
György Leányvári Audio Technician
Tibor Pataky Audio Technician
Zoltán Pintér Video Technician
Attila Szabó-Gamos Video Technician