In accordance with Government Decree No. 1368/2024.(XI. 28.) – even before its publication – negotiations regarding the transfer of the Erkel Theatre and the programmes announced there began between the Hungarian State Opera, which has been operating it until now, and the future leaders of the new theatre.
The Hungarian State Opere hereby informs its audience and future customers about the programmes announced earlier:
- Verdi: TRAVIATA (2 performances, 24 & 28 January 2025) – both performances will take place as announced;
- Schönberg: GURRE-LIEDER (1 performance on 15 February 2025) – this monumental cantata to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Schönberg's birth is to become the OPERA's official farewell gala from the Erkel Theatre featuring 300 artists.
- Kacsóh: JOHN THE VALIANT (3 performances, 2, 7 & 9 March 2025 – all performances will take place as announced;
- Strauss: DER ZIGEUNERBARON (2 performances, 2 & 7 May 2025) – both performances are postponed. Tickets can be exchanged for performances at the Eiffel Art Studios in the 2025/26 season from May 2025, or can be refunded.
- Szörényi–Bródy / Gyöngyösi: STEPHEN, THE KING (symphonic version, 4 performances, 24, 25, 29 May & 1 June 2025) – all performances are postponed. Tickets can be exchanged for performances at the Opera House in the 2025/26 season from May 2025, or can be refunded.
Further guest performances and concerts (organised by third parties) announced at the Erkel Theatre will take place until 17 April 2025. Regarding any subsequent programmes, the new management of the theatre will provide information in due course.
Thank you for your understanding.