The Hungarian State Opera is holding an audition principally for
- tenor, baritone and bass soloists
Depending on the number of applicants the OPERA may also accept application of soprano, mezzo and alto soloists.
Date and place of the audition:
16 October 2024, at 11 am on the stage of Erkel Theatre
How to apply:
Applications should be sent to the e-mail address: meghallgatas@opera.hu. Applications should include updated professional CV, repertoire and a list of 5 arias intended for audition from the repertoire.
Application deadline:
9 October 2024
Based on the applications the artistic management of OPERA will select the applicants who will be invited to the audition on 16 October. All applicants will be notified of the decision in writing by 13 October.
Information on data processing concerning the audition is available on the OPERA website (https://www.opera.hu/en/disclaimers/)