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On 16 December 2020, as part of the OperaWednesday series, the most beautiful parts of Fidelio were streamed from the Sándor Hevesi Stage of the Eiffel Art Studios on the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth. The performance was available to view from 8:00 p.m. on Facebook and

December 16 is an important day not just for Hungarian music history, but as the birthday of both Zoltán Kodály and Ludwig van Beethoven, a landmark date for the entire world. To mark the 250th anniversary of the latter event, a concert version of Fidelio, the great German composer’s sole opera is presented. The yearning for freedom and unbreakable human relationships depicted in the opera are represented by the indestructible human strength that Beethoven depicted with vocal parts that verge on the unsingable and demand voices of overwhelming power.

The highlights were staged by Sylvie Gábor featuring soloists Szilvia Rálik (Leonora), István Kovácsházi (Florestan), Péter Kálmán (Pizarro), Géza Gábor (Rocco), Orsolya Sáfár (Marzellina), László Bartal (piano) and Bence Horváth (trumpet). Conductor: Balázs Kocsár. The concert was narrated by Dániel Mona.

The performance can be viewed HERE.

Photo by Péter Rákossy