He considers playing 20th century and contemporary music to be of critical importance, and he has been involved in the commissioning and premiering of numerous new works, including ones by Márton Kerékfy, Árpád Kákonyi, Péter Zombola and Balázs Horváth. At the Budapest Mini Festival in January of 2013, he premiered one work by each Máté Hollós and Iván Madarász with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Győr, to great acclaim. In addition to contemporary music, he also attaches key importance to the musical education of youth. Since 2006, he has conducted several hundred school and youth concerts in the most diverse possible locations and venues, from the Great Hall of the Liszt Music Academy to the cultural centres of villages with only a few hundred inhabitants. In this way he has presented numerous operas to children, including works by Donizetti, Mozart and Haydn. He has been involved with developing several new types of concert formats for young audiences. For example, he has created new text in verse for Benjamin Britten's A Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra and, as part of a programme constructed around works by Bartók and Revel, combined the contemporary fable with live sand animation. He has been the artistic director of the Danubia Orchestra Óbuda since September 2013.
In recognition of his outstanding work, he was awarded the Hungarian Gold Cross of Merit, civil division, in 2017 and the Liszt Award, in 2019.